We are currently looking for…
Project partners. These are people committed to helping on an ongoing basis. This might include admin, tech support, social media, campaigns and event managers, etc. See specific project partner roles below. (Please see more info below.)
Sponsors & Donors. These are people committed to helping from time to time (or one-off). This might include project work delivery, training/materials provision, financial support.
Boat owners. These are commercial and non-commercial boat owners interested in committing their vessels to the voyage.
Experienced & inexperienced crew. This includes captains, skippers, engineers, deckhands, chefs AND those with less or NO experience who want to become crew. We hope to receive funding to support the skills gap including providing training for marginlised people.
Delegates & passengers. We’re inviting those interested in joining the voyage as passengers with no desire to be involved in crewing whilst on board. This includes delegates, NGOs, politicians and activists
Ambassadors. These are high level organisations and advocates that endorse the cause. Influencers. Our biggest hope to getting the word and positive energy out there to make this vision a reality.
Project Partner Wishlist
These are UNPAID roles – we are all working for free to get the project off the ground and into the water. If we get some funding, project partners will vote to decide on project expenditure. We are currently seeking support for the following roles:
Fundraisers (funding bids, applications, hosting 1-2-1s with potential sponsors and larger donors)
Event manager (fluent in Portuguese / ideally with a network in Brazil)
Tech wizard (website and network development)
Content creators (video, canva/powerpoint, social media, promotions)
Community growers (finding leads, database management, making calls, hosting 121s, giving presentations)