The Journey

  1. On the outbound sail (itinerary below), we will be strategizing for COP30. We are going to have a mix of delegates and activists on the ships, to encourage ‘hot housing’ and cross fertilisation of ideas and strategies.
  2. While in Belem many of our Ships used for the Atlantic Crossing will be available as “AirB&B” type facilities and COP venues.  It’s likely our ships will be anchored in the river. F4C will be providing a water taxi service for early risers and night owls
  3. On the return sail, we will have a focus on reflection through conversation, the arts and culture, facilitating engagement and societal attitudes and political will for change. Sustaining the actions, concepts and ideas born from the first 2 stages will have time to percolate and solidify as we return by sail via the Caribbean and Azores.